State-by-State Covid-19 Travel Guide (as of January)
Below is a state-by-state guide of travel restrictions in the United States:
Alabama -->
No statewide restrictions, mask mandate effective through January 22
Alaska -->
Must take a qualifying negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of departure
Then submit results and fill out their Travel Declaration and Self-Isolation Plan through the Portal.
If you didn't get tested before traveling, you must pay $250 upon arrival and quarantine until results come in (at your own expense)
Arizona -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Arizona as of 1/14
Arkansas -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Arkansas as of 1/14
California -->
There is a regional stay-at-home order
Non-essential travel throughout the state except in a region north of Sonoma County is banned.
The Governor restricted hotel stays for leisure travel and other business activity in affected areas (more info here)
It is recommended that visitors from out of state should self-quarantine for 14-days.
San Francisco has ordered a mandatory10-day quarantine for travelers coming from outside the nine-county Bay Area region.
Los Angeles County: out of state visitors over the age of 16 must fill out a Traveler Form. Failure to submit this form prior to or upon arrival at Los Angeles International Airport, Van Nuys Airport, or Union Station is punishable by a fine of up to $500.
Colorado -->
Colorado doesn't have travel restrictions, however, Pitkin County set their own rules.
Pitkin County (includes ski resort Aspen/Snowmass) require anyone spending one or more nights in the area to fill out a Pitkin County Traveler Affidavit. They also require anyone 10 and over to have a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72-hours of arrival.
Connecticut -->
Anyone entering the state (besides New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island) must quarantine for 10-days and complete the Connecticut Travel Health Form. Failure to submit or quarantine could result in $500 fine per violation.
Delaware -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Delaware as of 1/14
Florida -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Florida as of 1/14
Georgia -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Georgia as of 1/14
Hawaii -->
Hawaii gets tricky and rules are ever changing so please be sure to check on the Hawaii website too
If you wanna bypass the 10-day mandatory quarantine, you must take a Covid-19 test within 72-hours before departure.
Hawaii only accepts the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) lab test results from a Trusted Testing Partner.
Travelers must submit their negative test results to the Safe Travels Digital Platform.
At least 25% of travelers who use the Pre-Travel Testing option will also be randomly selected to receive a non-optional second test upon arrival at the airport, free of charge
If you don't comply with quarantine or approved testing requirements, you'll be fined up to $5000 or a year in prison.
Idaho -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Idaho as of 1/14
Illinois -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Illinois as of 1/14
As of 1/15, Chicago issued a Travel Order that applies to anyone coming into the City from designated states with a significant degree of community-wide spread. States are categorized as Yellow or Orange.
Anyone traveling from a state on the Orange list is directed to obtain a negative COVID-19 test result no more than 72 hours prior to arrival in Chicago or quarantine for a 10-day period.
Indiana -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Indiana as of 1/14
Iowa -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Iowa as of 1/14
Anyone 2 and older is required to wear a mask when in indoor spaces or state government buildings,
Kansas -->
Visitors who have been on a cruise or attended a mass gathering event (500 ppl+) must quarantine for 7-10 upon arrival.
Those who receive a negative result after testing on their sixth day will be released from quarantine on Day eight, instead of Day 11.
Kentucky -->
Kentucky is discouraging all out of state leisure travel until further notice.
If you do, they are urging you to quarantine for 14-days.
Louisiana -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Louisiana as of 1/14
Mask mandate in effect
Maine -->
Travelers must quarantine for 10-days upon arrival or produce negative Covid-19 test results taken no longer than 72-hours (PCR and Antigen tests are accepted).
Visitors will need to fill out a Certificate of Compliance Form indicating you received a negative test result.
You may also get tested upon arriving in Maine but must quarantine while awaiting results.
Residents of New Hampshire and Vermont are exempt from these rules.
Maryland -->
Travelers and residents returning from out of state are required to quarantine for 10-days or have a negative Covid-19 test result within 72-hours of arrival.
Except States: Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, DC
Massachusetts -->
Any travelers or returning residents coming in from a high-risk state must submit a Massachusetts Travel Form and complete a 10-day quarantine. (Hawaii is currently the only low-risk state)
Alternatively, you can show proof of a negative Covid-19 PCR test result taken no more than 72-hours before arrival.
Failure to comply with these rules could result in a civil fine (about $500 per day).
Michigan -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Michigan as of 1/14
Minnesota -->
Out of state travel is highly discouraged.
Visitors are asked to quarantine for 14-days
Mississippi -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Mississippi as of 1/14
Missouri -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Missouri as of 1/14
Montana -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Montana as of 1/14
Nebraska -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Nebraska as of 1/14
Nevada -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Nevada as of 1/14
Many indoor spaces have strict capacity limits
New Hampshire -->
There is no travel-quarantine requirement for those traveling to New Hampshire from surrounding New England States (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island).
Visitors need to self-quarantine for 10 days.
Covid-19 test result on or after the seventh day of quarantining can break it early.
New Jersey -->
New Jersey strongly discourages non-essential travel
Travelers and residents returning from any U.S. state or territory beyond the immediate region (New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) should self-quarantine.
If travel is unavoidable, travelers should consider getting tested with a viral test (not an antibody test) 1-3 days before the trip and again 3-5 days after the trip.
New Mexico -->
Anyone traveling from out of state are required to self-quarantine for 14-days (or length of stay)
Exemptions from low-risk states are allowed, but as of January 14, no states were deemed low risk.
New York -->
Cuomo announced new guidelines allowing travelers to New York to "test out" of the mandatory 10-day quarantine for asymptomatic individuals.
If you were out of state for more than 24-hours, you must obtain a test within three days of departure, prior to arrival in NY. You then must quarantine for 3-days and on the 4th day you have to test again. If both tests come back negative, you may exit quarantine.
Travelers from states that are contiguous with New York are exempt from the travel advisory but must fill out the Traveler Health Form.
North Carolina -->
No statewide travel restrictions in North Carolina as of 1/14
North Dakota -->
No statewide travel restrictions in North Dakota as of 1/14
North Dakota has the highest number of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people in the country, followed by South Dakota.
Ohio -->
Those entering Ohio after travel to states reporting positive testing rates of 15% or higher for COVID-19 are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.
Oklahoma -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Oklahoma as of 1/14
Oregon -->
Oregon, California and Washington issued a joint travel advisory which includes a recommendation that out-of-state travelers and returning residents should quarantine themselves for 14 days after arrival in the state.
Pennsylvania -->
It is required for travelers entering Pennsylvania from other countries and states, as well as Pennsylvanians who are returning home from other countries or states, have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to entering the Commonwealth or quarantine for 10 days upon entry into Pennsylvania.
If you choose to get tested IN the Commonwealth, you must quarantine while you are awaiting the results.
Rhode Island -->
Travelers from a state that has a positive testing rate of 5% or more must quarantine for 14-days.
If you present proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72-hours of arrival, you are exempt from quarantine.
Out of state visitors must also complete a Certificate of Compliance and an out-of-state Travel Screening Form upon arriving in Rhode Island.
South Carolina -->
No statewide travel restrictions in South Carolina as of 1/14
South Dakota -->
No statewide travel restrictions in South Dakota as of 1/14
Tennessee -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Tennessee as of 1/14
Texas -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Texas as of 1/14
Utah -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Utah as of 1/14
Vermont -->
There is now a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning or traveling to Vermont.
You can end your quarantine early if, you haven't had any symptoms of COVID-19, get a PCR test on or after Day 7, get a negative test result, still do not have symptoms, and continue to monitor yourself for symptoms for the full 14 days.
Virginia -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Virginia as of 1/14
VDH urges all Virginians to avoid non-essential travel
Washington DC -->
The Mayor has extended a pause of a number of activities through January 22.
Travel for the inauguration and tourism is discouraged.
If you do go to DC, travel requirements apply to anyone coming to the District from a state with more than 10 cases per 100,000 people. Visitors are asked to get tested 72 hours or less before coming to DC.
Washington State -->
The governor recommends people arriving in Washington from other states or countries should self-quarantine for 14-days.
West Virginia -->
No statewide travel restrictions in West Virginia as of 1/14
Wisconsin -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Wisconsin as of 1/14
Wyoming -->
No statewide travel restrictions in Wyoming as of 1/14